shiny server relevant functions
localContributionDir = "~/Rstudio/shHubgit/Dummy/",
defaultValueSingleGene = "CD3g",
defaultValueMultiGenes =
"cd3g, cd4, cd8b, ms4a1, TCF4, LILRA2, LYZ, cd79a, bcl11b, IL32, hbb, nkg7,MNDA",
defaultValueRegExGene = "",
historyPath = NULL,
defaultValues = list(),
port = NULL,
launch.browser = getOption("shiny.launch.browser", interactive())
path to the directory(ies) that contain additional functionality
single gene name to used as a default value.
comma separated list of gene names to be used as a default value.
regular Expression used for gene selection
TRUE/FALSE whether to show debugging information on the console
TRUE/FALSE where or not save internal data (very time consuming)
location (directory) where history directories and data will be stored.
list of default values to use for inputs
a function to call with the application's URL.
Shiny app for the analysis of single cell data